Northern and Yorkshire Annual Rheumatology Meeting 2018

Registration: This event is free. However we do need people to register for the event. This helps us in the planning of the event, plotting which rooms are best to use, organising the catering and making sure we comply with Health and Safety regulations. This link(via Eventbrite) will be active until 12th September 2018, which is the deadline for registration. If you wish to see if spaces are available to register after this date, or have any other questions about the form or any difficulty in using it please contact

Abstract submission instructions: Abstracts should be limited to 1 side of A4 (12 point font) and may include 1 figure; they should be sent by e-mail to Janet Herdman ( no later than 17:00 on Monday 3rd September.

Clinical cases for the morning session, please contact Mike Green ( asap
For further details see our website
Or follow us on Facebook (Northern and Yorkshire Rheumatology Meeting) or Twitter (@NYRCMeeting)

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