“World Cafe” Style Workshops

Dear Colleagues

On the 27th July 2018 Executive Board granted permission for FMS to develop proposals to redesign Faculty structures.  This followed an External Peer Review undertaken in July, and an ensuing Town Hall meeting held on 18th July where key conclusions were disseminated, namely that:

  • A Faculty restructure is needed as a matter of urgency.
  • Key objectives include maximising potential in research and education, interdisciplinarity, communication and reputation.
  • Redesign should and will fit well with the new transformational University strategic initiatives.
  • If executed properly, the process will take FMS from “good” to “excellent”.

The slides and town hall event recap can be found at Faculty of Medical Sciences FMS from Good to Great

Staff participation at all stages is vital for this programme to succeed. Effective engagement will ensure that diverse experience and knowledge, as well as unmet and hidden needs inform our work.  You will shortly be invited to book onto “World Café” style workshops which are being hosted by either David Burn, Dave Jones, Jane Calvert or Derek Mann. For information the dates are as follows:



Time Venue
Mon 10th September 1230-1400 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 13th September 0900-1030 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Mon 17th September 0930-1100


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Tue 18th September 1500-1630


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Fri 21st  September 0900-1030


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 27th September 1100-1230 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 27th September 1500-1630


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Tue 2nd October 1000-1130 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Tue 2nd October 1500-1630


G21/22, Devonshire Building
Thurs 4th October 1500-1630


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Fri 5th October 1330-1500 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Mon 8th October 1000-1130


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Tue 9th October 1000-1130 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Tue 9th October 1400-1530


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Fri 12th October 1400-1530


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building

Booking form > https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=2635903

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