BBSRC (GCRF) – International Flexible Interchange Programme (I-FLIP). Deadline: 16 October 2018

Deadline: 16th October 2018

Duration: Up to 12 months, must be completed by 31st March 2020

Amount: Up to £70k per project (at 100% fEC). Total budget of £600k

Eligibility: The call is open only to current or past BBSRC grant-holders

I-FLIP is part of BBSRC’s portfolio of activities that enable the delivery of economic and societal impact through innovation and knowledge exchange.

As with all GCRF funding, the primary beneficiary of all IFLIP projects must be a DAC list country.

I-FLIP aims to:

Increase and accelerate the uptake and impact of previous BBSRC funded research through knowledge exchange activities that deliver benefit and impact in a DAC list country(ies).

Support and enable the formation and development of sustainable partnerships with the aim of maximising the impact of previously-funded BBSRC research.

Strengthen the wider skills of interchanger(s) and explore opportunities to further develop these skills by spending time working within a different environment.

I-FLIP will support multidirectional interchange(s) between the UK academic base and users within a DAC list country leading to the exchange of knowledge / skills / capabilities for the purpose of directly addressing challenges in developing countries.

Interchanges funded through I-FLIP will consist of individuals moving between the academic base in the UK and user organisations operating within countries on the DAC list in order to deliver the aims of the I-FLIP project.

BBSRC welcomes researchers, technical staff and professional service staff as interchangers in order to maximise the transfer of knowledge and know-how from previous research.

Each I-FLIP project can include any number of interchanges, which can operate in either direction, between UK academic institutions and user organisations. Interchanges can occur on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis.

Applicants should clearly articulate how their project has been co-designed with DAC list partners and will draw upon the outputs of previous BBSRC-funded research.

Each project must clearly demonstrate how the DAC list country is the primary beneficiary.

BBSRC envisages that projects funded through I-FLIP could fall under one or more of the following themes:

  • Developmental impact: broader societal, economic and environmental impact, and contribution to poverty reduction in the poorest countries.
  • Policy impact: influence on key policy processes and evidence-informed decisions.
  • Practice-level impact: influence on development practice and development practitioners.
  • Conceptual impact: influence on how people think about development issues.
  • Capacity development: strengthened capacity to produce, communicate and use research in LMICs.
  • Collaborative impact: development of long-lasting, innovative and interdisciplinary collaborations that can transform global development.
  • Knowledge as a global public good: open and beneficial to all with open access to research and data increasing potential impact.

Please ensure to read the full call documentation, DAC list and FAQs available through the link above.

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