BBSRC International Partnering Awards Call Open

These are an excellent opportunity for researchers to obtain funding to develop links and collaborations in other countries.

This could then be used to develop relationships for Newton Fund, GCRF and other international funding opportunities.

Anyone who would like assistance with an application can contact Dr Gwen Averley (FMS), Darren Airey (FMS) or colleagues in the EU/International team (Dajana Dzanovic, Elisa Lawson, Hilary Noone).

Details of each scheme can be found here:

Further details can also be found here:

BBSRC International Partnering Awards Call Open

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) International Partnering Awards provide pump-priming funds for UK scientists to build new links with their overseas counterparts to add value to existing BBSRC funded research grants.

Resources are available to leading BBSRC-supported research groups to enable them to forge long-term relationships with international scientists in areas of research that are of direct relevance to BBSRC’s current scientific strategy. It is hoped that the long-term partnerships established through Partnering Awards will lead to the development of new collaborative research programmes.

The specific objectives that underpin the international Partnering Award scheme are to:

  • Establish partnerships between UK and overseas research laboratories.
  • Promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists.
  • Promote access to facilities.

It is suggested that research groups should try and access other sources of funding in addition to the Partnering Award. Applications must be made by a principal investigator who is both eligible for and currently in receipt of BBSRC funding.

The following awards are now open for submission:

  • Brazil: up to £50,000 over a four year period is available.
  • China: awards of up to £30,000 over a four year period.
  • European: support between £15,000 and £20,000 is available for a 12 to 18 month period.
  • India: up to £30,000 for a four year period.
  • International Workshops: up to £10,000 is available to host workshops in any country.
  • Japan: up to £50,000 is available over four years.
  • Other Countries: support up to £30,000 over four years.
  • Taiwan: funds up to £25,000 for two years.
  • USA: £50,000 for up to four years is available.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on 15 November 2018.

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