Nominations for NTFS and CATE now open

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

We are pleased to announce the launch of the University process to determine the institutional nominees to the 2019 NTFS and CATE scheme.

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme

Nominations are welcomed from all members of staff who feel their work has a major, positive impact on student teaching and learning. Full application details available on LTDS website.

Find out more at the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme workshop on the 17 October, 12:30-1:30pm. Book Now.

Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence

Nominations are welcomed from teams who feel their  collaborative work has a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning. Full application details are also available on the LTDS website.

Nomination deadlines and support from LTDS
Nominations for either scheme should be sent electronically to by 12 noon on Friday 9  November 2018.

Get in touch with for further information or support.

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