FMS Learning & Teaching Forum: An Outward Looking Faculty – 5 December 2018

Dear Colleagues

The next Faculty Learning & Teaching Forum will be held 3-5pm on Wednesday 5 December 2018 in Lecture Theatre D, Dental School.

The recent external review of faculty recommended that teaching in FMS would benefit from being more outward looking, seeking opportunities to collaborate across the University and with partners further afield.  We are therefore using this Learning & Teaching Form to showcase current examples of good practice.  The focus of our Faculty Executive Committee half away day (to be held on Wednesday 16 January 2019) will follow up on these exemplars and focus on how we can expand and create more opportunities.

To confirm your attendance at the Forum on 5 December 2018, please complete this short form.

Please feel free to forward this email to interested colleagues; a schedule giving further details is attached.

181205 FEC Forum

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