Reminders to staff – Payment of Subscriptions/Membership Fees

Dear Colleague

I would be grateful if you would circulate this email as a reminder to all members of staff involved in either the purchasing or approval of expenditure relating to subscription, membership or publication fees:

Following a recent audit on membership subscriptions, staff, are reminded of the importance of:

  • Ensuring back-up documentation supporting the payment of the subscription/membership is retained for audit purposes.
  • Reviewing any new/renewal subscription to assess value for money.
  • Not approving payment of a subscription/membership fee significantly earlier than the start of a subscription period.
  • Personal subscriptions to institutions/clubs should not be charged to the University (please see section 5.2 of the University’s Travel and Expenses Policy).
  • Ensuring transactions are coded to the correct GL code (for further support on this, please check with your relevant Accounting team)


Please check before purchase to ensure a required publication is not already available via the University Library

  • Times Higher Education, the University subscribes annually for a campus wide subscription, therefore no individual/school/unit membership fees are required

Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.

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