Funding reminder and deadline extension – Novel Biomarkers: Ireland, Netherlands, UK 2019

180525 UB19 RFA v10

Novel Biomarkers: Ireland, Netherlands, UK 2019
Program overview Funding for testing of novel biomarkers in human samples/data or cohorts, to accelerate the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.
Funding £300,000 – £500,000 per project, over up to 3 years. ~£1.4 million is available in total for the program.
Applicant eligibility Principal Applicants must be at or above the level of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Universitair Docent or equivalent at eligible institutions located in Ireland, the Netherlands, or the UK.
Biomarker eligibility Projects must investigate biomarkers that measure pathology of the disease, e.g., imaging biomarkers, tissue biopsy derived biomarkers, fluid biomarkers, and genetic biomarkers (somatic mutations, SNPs, epigenetics and gene products).

Biomarkers should be novel, and have strong preliminary data to justify testing in human samples/data and/or cohorts. Applications focused on Abeta, tau or alpha-synuclein are discouraged unless there is an aspect of the work that is particularly novel.

Biomarkers must be under development for human disease diagnosis, prognosis (including rate of progression), stratification to clinical trials, measuring disease progression, and/or to predict or measure response to therapy (e.g., a surrogate for clinical endpoint).


Biomarker discovery and unbiased screening approaches are not eligible for this program.

Institute’s neurodegenerative disease scope ·         Alzheimer’s disease

·         Parkinson’s disease

·         Frontotemporal dementia

·         Dementia with Lewy bodies

·         Multiple system atrophy

·         Progressive supranuclear palsy

·         Vascular contributions to these diseases

·         Prodromes to these diseases/conditions

Important dates Program webinar 11 April 2019 (Register here)
Letter of Intent Deadline: 13 March 2019 21 May 2019, 4pm BST (UPDATED)
Anticipated Award: December 2019

More information is on our website and Program Details.



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