We are very happy to announce that, we have been able to get a 4-person-strong team from the Broad Institute in Boston over to Newcastle to deliver a four-day workshop from June the 18th to 21st. The registration fee for this workshop is £100.
This workshop will focus on the core steps involved in calling variants with the Broad’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/), using the “Best Practices” developed by the GATK team. The workshop is composed of a new 4 day format consisting of lectures (including many opportunities for Q&A) and hands-on training a program out line is given here: https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/events/?workshop=Schedule
The places are very limited and we are only able to register 40 participants (Including applicants from outside of the Newcastle University).
The sign-up form for the workshop is here:
For more information e-mail: amir.enshaei@newcastle.ac.uk or matthew.bashton@newcastle.ac.uk
Please feel free to forward this mail to anyone else potentially interested.