Commercial Projects Team – New Contacts

As some of you will know there has been some changes within the Commercial Projects Team (within Business Development & Enterprise).

Firstly, I am pleased to advise we moved into our new office yesterday (8th Floor, Agriculture Bldg) – bringing together all of the team from across the Faculties.

Specifically with regards to FMS, today is Helen Kelt’s last day with us before moving onto pastures new at Durham University.  In addition, Linda Wilson is leaving us of the 4th of June – moving on to work for a local charity.  Rob Tansey  is now in post (Helen’s replacement) and we are currently advertising for Linda’s replacement.  Pending the recruitment of Linda’s replacement and allowing for the training up of new staff members, please see below who in the FMS team will be the lead on which project types.

I am sure you will join me in wishing both Helen and Linda all the best for the future.

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