NIHR BioResource Volunteers

NIHR BioResource Participant Flyer

BioResource PIS

NIHR BioResource Centre Newcastle

The NIHR BioResource Centre Newcastle needs your help to build a panel volunteers interested in taking part in future research into how health and lifestyle influence disease. By becoming a participant you can help advance the diagnosis and treatment of a range of conditions.

We would like to invite you to attend an appointment at one of our clinics taking place on Wednesday 5th June 2019 at the Clinical Research Facility, 6th Floor Leazes Wing, RVI. This appointment will be with one of our nurses who will talk you through the study, go through the consenting process, help you fill out the questionnaires and assist you in donating your sample. This appointment should last approximately 20 minutes. Please see attached our Volunteer Information Sheet which explains your role as a participant and will hopefully answer any questions you may have. If you decide that you would like to join the NIHR BioResource please book an appointment by contacting us using our details below:


Tel: 0191 208 5001