GCRF Resilience Lunchtime Seminar Wednesday 26 June

Global Challenges Academy

GCRF Seminar with Prof Mark Pelling – 26th June 2019

Room 2.23, The Core Building, The Helix

13:00-13:45 with lunch served from 12:30

Global Challenges Academy Seminar – GCRF Resilience Challenge

Prof. Mark Pelling, King’s College London and UKRI GCRF Challenge Lead for Resilience is joining us to lead a lunchtime seminar on the UKRI GCRF Resilience Challenge theme. Mark will provide an overview of GCRF resilience funding and will describe the underpinning philosophy of GCRF funding and the roles of the Challenge Leads.

The seminar will be informal and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and for discussion. A buffet lunch will be served ahead of the seminar.

All welcome but the room has limited capacity so places will be awarded on a first come first served basis. Please register at https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=5143764.

Please contact Elisa.Lawson@ncl.ac.uk if you have any questions.