pre-announcement of Second UKPRP funding call – EoI to attend information and networking event C/D 25 July 2019

14 November 2019, 4pm              3 September 2019 (call opens)

pre-announcement of Second UKPRP funding call and information and networking event

Under the second call, they are looking to complement the current portfolio of UKPRP investment and anticipate proposals in the areas listed below.
The list is not exhaustive, and they welcome proposals outside of the areas provided that they complement the current portfolio.
See the first round UKPRP Consortium and Network awards here:

  • preventing poor mental health and promoting mental wellbeing
  • reducing health inequalities (where this forms the primary focus of the application)
  • social and economic determinants of health and wellbeing
  • food systems, unhealthy diets and obesity
    (They are aware of existing research funding schemes on food systems and influences on diet. Given the importance of this research challenge, the UKPRP would welcome proposals addressing this area.)
  • developing interventions in specific ages including on issues relating to ageing, and in occupational settings
  • fostering the use of evidence in decision making in local government
  • urban environment, including transport systems and air quality
  • using green and blue space for improving population health and preventing NCDs
  • using digital technologies and social media to deliver interventions, and exploiting large-scale datasets and linkage to routine datasets.

New knowledge and fresh approaches to preventing NCDs can be delivered more effectively through assembling expertise and insights across diverse academic disciplines and users (including policymakers, practitioners, the third sector, industry, the public) and by taking a complex systems approach. We are therefore keen to engage a range of disciplines, including those that have not traditionally been involved in NCD-prevention research, in the second funding round. We would welcome applications from research teams including expertise from outside of what is generally perceived as the public health arena: for example, engineers, geographers, architects, designers, systems scientists, transport planners, lawyers and linguists. Proposals could be led by researchers from these disciplines and/or be in partnership with disciplines typically involved in population health research but should be co-produced with users to deliver proposals that are relevant to policy and practice.

The application process will include outline and full proposal stages.
Applicants whose outline consortium proposals are selected for progressing towards the full application stage will each receive a Consortium Development Grant (CDG) which is a fixed-term (six month) award of up to £50,000 to build linkages between diverse consortium members and to co-produce research ideas and the full application.
Applicants whose outline network proposals are successful will each receive time (six months) to develop their initial network membership and full proposals detailing plans for building a new multidisciplinary community around their chosen NCD-prevention challenge.

An information and networking event will be held in London on 24 September 2019 to communicate the priorities of the second call, to describe the application process, and to provide opportunities for networking between researchers across academic disciplines and with end users to explore research collaborations.

They invite Expressions of Interest from both research academics and users to attend an information and networking event on 24 September 2019 about the UKPRP’s second funding call.
While attendance at the event will not be essential for applying to the call, they encourage you to submit your interest to attend.
Presentations and other materials from the event will be made available online to support all applicants in preparing their outline applications.

If you would like to attend this event, please submit an expression of interest form outlining your expertise and interests.
Please submit your expressions of interest and any queries to
The closing deadline for expressions of interest is 25 July 2019.