The Health Foundation: Social and Economic Value of Health (SEVH) in a Place Research Programme C/D for Outline applications 25 July 2019 [N.B. Information call on 25 June, 2pm]

25 July 2019, noon (Outline proposals)          27 September 2019, noon (invited full applications)     November 2019 (Interviews)

The Health Foundation Social and Economic Value of Health (SEVH) in a Place Research Programme

Call opens 13 June 2019

An information call will be held on Tuesday 25 June 2019, from 14:00-15:00pm, please register your interest and joining instructions will be sent to you in advance of the call

Outline proposals closing date is noon on Thursday 25 July 2019

£1.5M is available to fund five projects of between £200,00 and £300,000 for a maximum duration of two years for research that will generate new knowledge on the ways in which the physical and mental health of a population shapes their social and economic outcomes

The basis of this call is the first stage identified in the scoping work: to establish relevant concepts, definitions and metrics.

We are specifically interested in concepts and metrics relating to two priority areas:

  • understanding the relationship between a given population’s health and the health of individuals within that population
  • establishing the definitions and metrics needed to examine the relationship between the health of a population in a place and the social and economic outcomes of that place.

The full call guidance is here:

FAQs are here: