Annual Combined Northern and Yorkshire Rheumatology Meeting National Railway Museum, York Wednesday September 25th 2019

β€œAnnual Combined Northern and Yorkshire Rheumatology Meeting

National Railway Museum, York

Wednesday September 25th 2019 – please see the website for further information at (best viewed in Chrome)

To register for the meeting:

The National Railway Museum is a short walk from the railway station. On-line registration is available now via the following URL link (or copy and paste into browser):

To submit an abstract:

Please e-mail your abstract to by 29th August at the latest (late submissions will not be considered). Your abstract should be presented on a single side of A4. One figure or table may be included.

If your abstract is a clinical abstract for the morning session:

Clinical cases for the morning presentations would be greatly appreciated including the sort of cases seen as urgent ward or out patient referrals. If you have a suitable case that you would like to present it would be helpful to discuss with Mike Green on

This is a prompt to encourage you to consider submitting an abstract summarising basic, translational and clinical science in the rheumatology field, as well as clinical cases and audit findings; remember, there is a prize for the two best abstracts, which will be presented in the final session! Abstracts submitted to the ACR or EULAR 2019 may be submitted, and we encourage submissions from students and Fellows.

We also particularly encourage rheumatology trainees from around the region to submit abstracts of notable clinical cases (in general rheumatology as well as SpA management conundrums) for presentation and discussion. If you are a trainee, please consider doing this. IF you are a consultant please provide encouragement; you are of course welcome to present cases yourselves!) It’s a fantastic opportunity to exchange expertise with interested peers and gain experience of presenting. Please also ensure that trainees working at your centre are able to cancel their clinics for the day, mindful that the date is shortly after the rotation date for some.

If you have any queries about the meeting please contact ”