NERC Standard Grant Submissions – Application Support for January 2020 Funding Round

The next submission round for Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Standard Grants, including New Investigator Awards, will be in January 2020 (

As many of you will be aware, in February 2015, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) introduced ‘Demand Management’ measures to limit the number and size of applications submitted to its standard grants competitions:  This resulted in NERC restricting the number of Newcastle University applications and the University subsequently implementing an internal selection process.

As of July 2019, NERC removed the cap on the number of applications Newcastle can submit for the July 2019 and January 2020 rounds. This is because Newcastle’s success rate over the previous six rounds had risen above 20%. Now the cap has been removed, we’d like to encourage more applications to NERC. To ensure that we maintain success rates above the 20% threshold the NERC Application Support Panel continue to be committed to supporting the University in ensuring that we have the highest quality NERC applications as possible.

The intention of the process is not to select a limited number of proposals from the pool of applications submitted to the internal NERC support panel. The focus will be on maintaining the quality of a larger number of applications to the NERC than was possible previously. The aim is to increase our research activity in areas of NERC science while ensuring we avoid being placed under demand management in the future.

If you would like to be considered for the January 2020 round, you will need to do the following:

  1. Inform Holly Davidson ( of your intent to apply and provide the names of 3 Newcastle University members who could review your proposal by Monday 16th September;
  2. Submit your full NERC proposal by Tuesday 1st October. This should be the JeS print-out of your full proposal, including all costs, JeS sections and attachments (case for support etc.).  This is so that our reviewers and panel can give you the best possible feedback. For support with the costing on your proposal, please engage with the SAgE Projects Team as soon as possible by completing the Project Initiation Form. A member of the Projects Team will then be in contact with you to help. If you are from the HaSS or FMS Faculties, please contact your local support for costing support.

Internal peer review will be carried out at the beginning of October. You will then be given the opportunity to respond to your reviewers’ comments towards the end of October. The Newcastle NERC Application Support Panel will then meet during the week commencing 11th November.

You will be given feedback as soon as possible after the meeting. You will then have until the NERC deadline in January 2020 to refine your proposal. The timings of this support process have been set following feedback from previous applicants that they needed as much time as possible to refine their proposal in response to the reviewer and panel feedback.

Details of the Newcastle NERC Application Support Panel and how it works are given in the attached document.

Newcastle University NERC Application Support – January 2020 round

If you have any questions about the support process please contact Holly Davidson (