EU and International Funding

British Academy – GCRF Education and Learning in Crisis

Up to £360,000 over 21 months is available to address the following areas:
• Enhancing understanding of the role of education and learning in responding to and fashioning novel ways for coping and/or transforming children’s opportunities and outcomes in crisis settings, particularly those in the longer-term and including natural as well as man-made crises.
• Building the evidence base of how education and learning take place and are affected during and through crisis situations, including particular attention to the importance of local context and practice in this regard, and what implications this entails for learning, parenting, schooling and communities.
• Investigating how crises particularly affect the education and learning of children and their families of hidden populations, marginalised people including girls and women, and populations on the move.
Researchers from the Global South will be involved as equal partners.

Deadline: 4 December, 2019
More information is here.

BBSRC-GCRF Strategic Training Awards

The call aims to build training resources to up-skill and develop researchers, graduate students and DAC citizens in research priority areas.

Preferred areas of interest are identified in the call. Projects must be ODA compliant. Activity could include Research Experience Placements, Skills Schools, Online Resources. Full or partial PhD/MSc/MRes studentships and conference attendance is excluded.

Up to £100,000 is available for each project.

Deadline: 16 October, 2019.
More information here.

GCRF Digital Innovation for Development in Africa

This two stage GCRF call focuses on the impact and application of digital technologies for development in Africa. Stage one focuses on building Networks that bring together academics, industry, NGOs, policymakers and practitioners from Africa with UK partners.
These Networks are expected to build new relationships and stimulate novel research and innovation ideas and activities that will enable partners to apply for funding to deliver a co-developed and fully realised project in stage two. This call has three thematic areas of focus and applicants can apply to any strand.
This call will support seed funding for Networks working within the following thematic areas (more information about each is contained in the call text):
• Digital Rights
• Smart Communities
• Digital Health
Stage 1 funding up to £150,000 per project. Stage 2 funding £1-£3m per project.

Deadline: 12 November, 2019
More information here.

Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries

Research will build a significant new body of evidence on gender, growth, and labour markets to help shape gender and labour market policies in low-income countries. Capacity building through involvement of researchers from low-income countries is strongly encouraged.
The call covers 5 wide-ranging research themes:
• Theme 1: Facts about gender, jobs, and poverty
• Theme 2: Fertility and labour markets
• Theme 3: Barriers to gender parity
• Theme 4: The future of work: automation, urbanization and the environment
• Theme 5: Policies and welfare: costs and benefits of gender parity
Two types of research grants will be offered:
1. Large-scale research grants for experienced researchers based in institutions and organizations from all over the world to fund big research projects in LICs. In this round, it is expected to fund around 10 large projects with a total budget of about 3 million Euros.
2. Small research grants mainly targeting junior researchers (PhD students or researchers with less than five years of work/research experience) based in institutions from all over the world, as well as senior or junior researchers based in institutions and organizations in LICs (see the list of countries here). In this round, it is planned to to fund 3-6 small research projects with a maximum value of 30,000 Euros each.
To start the application process, applicants need to register for the Electronic Application Portal (EAP).
Proposals are due by November 11, 2019.
Deadline is November 11 2019.
More information is here.

NIHR Global Health Policy aand Systems Research (Global HPSR) Programme

Established partnerships with ODA-eligible countries are invited to bid for up to £4 million for projects up to 4 years in duration.

Priority areas are:
• Integrating Health Systems
• Quality of Care
• Health Workforce and Management Planning
• Improved Data Quality and Use

Deadline: 11 December 2019
Information briefing webinar: 23 October 2019, register by emailing
More information here.