Mid-range equipment initiative is open with a C/D of 23 October


The capital budget for the call is approx. £10M.
Applications are invited for mid-range equipment costing over £200K including VAT. [This value refers to the equipment cost prior to the application of any discounts, institutional or partner contributions]
N.B. requests under this value will be rejected
N.B. Applications requesting over £750K should contact the office before submitting an application.

N.B. BBSRC will accept the cost of a maintenance/service contract, as part of the purchase cost of the equipment, provided the length of the contract is the lesser of 36 months or the programme it supports. Should the expected length of the contract exceed 36 months, or the length of the programme, then the cost of contract, included in the application should be reduced on a pro-rata basis so as to fit within the conditions as stated.

BBSRC encourages:
• equipment that is widely used and underpins capability across all scientific areas within the BBSRC remit. Relevance to the priority areas in BBSRC’s Delivery Plan is particularly encouraged
• applications that seek to pioneer the use of emerging advanced research technology
• applications that seek to utilise equipment in novel applications.

Collaboration and wide access to the instrumentation for users within industry, public sector and other research organisation is highly encouraged.
To encourage sharing, the arrangements for managing access to the equipment and the prioritisation of its use should be fully described.
Award holders will be expected to put arrangements in place for providing advice and support to others wishing to assess the potential of the technology for their own research.

Value for money will be an important factor in assessment. Consequently, contributions from the host institution(s) and/or other external sources are strongly encouraged.
Contributions from external sources can be in kind (such as commitments to staff posts for the running and maintenance of the equipment, or the training of users) and/or financial (such as partial financing of the equipment).
Institutional commitments directed towards staff posts to fulfil aspects such as running and maintenance of the equipment, as well as training of users, are encouraged, as BBSRC is unable to support them through this call.
Where it is envisaged that a significant user-base for the equipment will be undertaking research in areas outside BBSRC remit, applicants must seek an appropriate level of additional upfront contributions and support from external sources, and provide information on this in the grant application.

Investigators can only submit one application as PI. However, they can submit another application as part of a consortium (i.e. as a Co-I) while being PI on an application

Applicants should discuss their application with their relevant procurement and finance officers prior to submission, particularly bearing in mind the EU tender and procurement rules.
The maximum duration of grants is 12 months and grants must start by 1st July 2020.
Prospective applicants for whom the expenditure appears challenging within the given time constraints regarding grant duration/start date (e.g. because the equipment may require an export license or involves lengthy customisation or construction times) must contact BBSRC before submitting an application.

Please see full guidance notes re scope, exclusions and eligible costs.

Please discuss your application with your Research Funding Development Manager [For FMS: Gwen Averley or Darren Airey]