EU and International Funding: 20 Sep 2019

Hello. In this edition you will find information on:

1. ERC Starting Grants and Synergy Grants (EU) – attached ERC StG 2020 ‘nutshell note’ with internal deadlines

2. NEW! MSCA Innovative Training Networks 2020 (EU)

3. NEW! The Changing North Atlantic and its Impact on Climate (FIC with USA)

ERC Starting Grants and Synergy Grants open for application

ERC StG 2020 Nutshell Note

ERC funds high-risk, high-reward research in any discipline. It funds the kind of blue skies project that might not sit comfortably elsewhere, that might be considered off-the-wall, but is the intellectual challenge you’ve always wanted. Applicants should have an outstanding track-record, relevant to their career stage. Additional funds are available for relocation and equipment. Team members from any country are allowed.

Starting Grants 2020: For researchers 2-7 post PhD, awarded up to €1.5 million over 5 years. Deadline 16th October 2019.

Synergy Grants 2020: For 2-4 PIs, leaders in their field appropriate to their career stage, one of whom may be based outside of the EU/Associated Countries. Award is up to €10 million over 6 years. Deadline 5th November 2019.

Please note that some rules vary between the 2019 and 2020 calls so please ensure you read the correct Work Programme.

If you have any questions on the implications to this scheme of Brexit, please contact / +44 191 208 5373.

MSCA Innovative Training Networks 2020
Deadline: 14 Jan 2020

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers (ESR) via a competitive programme implemented by a partnership of academic and non-academic partners from Europe and beyond. The programme allows academic and non-academic partners and so is useful for building partnerships and raising the profile of a particular research area whilst supporting the development of the next generation of researchers. There are three types of ITN:
• European Training Networks (ETN)
• European Industrial Doctorate (EID)
• European Joint Doctorate (EJD)
For two of these ITNs ESR enrolment on a doctoral programme is mandatory. ITNs incorporate research and post-graduate matters and as such require two types of approval:

1. Approval as Research Grants following the usual Grants and Contracts process
2. Approval from Dean of Post-Graduate Studies (or IPT where appropriate)

If you have any questions on the implications to this scheme of Brexit, please contact / +44 191 208 5373.

The Changing North Atlantic Ocean and its Impact on Climate
Deadline: 21 Nov 2019

Proposals are invited for a new joint UK-US Research Programme that will take advantage of the data arising from the joint UK-US OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme) array, to improve understanding and models of the Subpolar North Atlantic and its impacts.
It is expected that this announcement of opportunity will lead to the funding of two joint UKUS projects, one for each of the programme’s two research challenges. The NERC funding for the UK component of proposals for Challenge 1 will be a maximum of £1.6m (80% FEC) and for Challenge 2 will be a maximum of £0.8m (80%FEC). The US component of proposals will be funded under the Lead Agency Agreement and costs will be limited to $500,000 per project.
Proposals for this call are invited from eligible UK researchers (see NERC Grants Handbook for standard eligibility criteria). National Science Foundation (NSF) eligibility criteria apply for US researchers (see NSF’s Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide, PAPPG Chapter I E).
NERC is acting as the Lead Agency for this call. Each project proposal must include at least one UK applicant and one US applicant. One integrated project proposal should be submitted to NERC, detailing both the UK and US contributions to the research project.