UKRI Citizen Science Exploration Grant – public engagement

Call open: 1 October 2019 – 12 November 2019

Please could those who are interested read the call guidance documents available on the website:

Citizen science can potentially add value to a project, yet embedding citizen science methods into the routine way that science is done requires capacity building approach. Therefore, UKRI is offering the opportunity to apply for up to £20,000 to allow researchers to develop pilot projects to build citizen science capacity into their work.

Up to 20 successful application will be awarded but these projects must be conducted between 16 December 2019 and 30 April 2020. Potential successful projects (but not limited to) might include:
• Exploring options for crowdsourced data collection
• Small pilots to test whether working with volunteers to analyse existing datasets can add value to the project
• Open/inclusive innovation – exploring options for companies and research to involve those who will benefit from the research in the development and testing of products
• Collaboration with communities to test approached to co-designing research questions
• Digital innovation pilots in citizen pilots in citizen science, with a focus on testing or extending the functionality of existing tools
• Exploring innovative approaches that focus on removing the barriers to public participation in research such as overcoming the challenges of volunteer management

To develop such project, successful applicant will be expected to undertake activities such as capacity building work, small proof of concept pilots, and or collaborative workshops to explore project ideas, data sources or volunteer opportunities.

• Lead applicant must be an active UKRI grant holder (active grants are classified as any UKRI grants that are ongoing between the date of application and 16 December 2019)
• Non-UKRI grant holders may participate in this grant if they are partnering with a lead applicant who is an active UKRI grant holder
• Applicants should be undertaking research that is related to one of UKRI’s key strategic areas of research and innovations
o Digital economy
o Energy
o Global Food Security
o Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance
o Technology Touching Life
o Urban Living Partnership

For further information on this call please see UKRI’s website