New Research Enrichment awards available for grantholders

Current Wellcome-funded grantholders can apply for enrichment funding at any time from the award date. If it’s awarded, you’ll need to complete your proposed activities by the time your main grant ends.

New applicants – can apply for enrichment funding at any point during your main funding application, but Wellcome will only consider the enrichment funding application once your main grant has been awarded.

Each enrichment award has its own funding level:

  • public engagement – up to £250,000, or 5% of your main Wellcome grant
  • open research – up to £50,000
  • diversity and inclusion – up to £20,000.

The majority of current funding schemes are eligible for Research Enrichment funding. And you can apply for more than one type – public engagement and open research, for example.

Please read the full details available through the link above.

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