John Goldman Fellowships Open for Applications

The charity Leuka, founded by the late Professor John Goldman in 1982, is dedicated to curing leukaemia and blood cancers by translating research into new treatments.

The charity’s John Goldman Fellowships are designed to enable research/clinical scientists to test a novel hypothesis and get their research and careers off the ground in a supportive, well-funded environment so that they can pursue their work creatively. Proposed research must have relevance to leukaemia, other blood cancers and/or related diseases. Translational projects are particularly encouraged. Examples of applications that can be considered include:

  • Providing an individual with personal support to enhance their work on a pioneering project within their own research institution.
  • Providing an individual with an opportunity to further their knowledge and expertise through a secondment to another centre of excellence, either in the UK or abroad, to demonstrably enhance their research on their return.
  • Enabling an individual to employ a postdoctoral researcher or research assistant to support them on a pioneering project.

Applications are invited from scientists and clinician-scientists from across the UK. There is no age limit, although awards are designed to provide an opportunity for talented early-career scientists to develop as independent investigators.

The scheme is open to researchers (who may or may not be medically qualified) who can demonstrate genuine potential to become the leading scientists of the future. Applicants should have a good publication record but it does not need to be exceptional at this stage.

Fellowships are aimed at four main categories of applicant:

  • Principal Investigators (PI) within two years of first permanent appointment.
  • Postdoctoral researchers with full PI status or in the process of gaining PI status with no more than six years post PhD experience.
  • Postdoctoral researchers with no more than six years post PhD experience.
  • Clinician scientists with no more than six years post PhD experience.

Awards of up to £125,000 can be made to span a one to two year period. These may be used for salary and direct costs of a project.

Applications should be submitted by the closing date of 31 January 2018.

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Regards, The RESEARCHconnect team

2 thoughts on “John Goldman Fellowships Open for Applications

  1. I should like to leave a legacy to Leuka in memory of my brother, John Goldman,
    how can this be done most effectively… ?
    Yours sincerely
    Jacqueline Tollit

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