BBSRC Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB) Phase II

5 January 2018, 5pm – Mandatory attendance – Registration deadline for community meeting to be held in London on 17 January 2018

24 January 2018, 4pm (EoI) through Je-S

BBSRC Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB) Phase II

up to £10m is available to fund a number of UK-wide multidisciplinary Networks, of varying scales, focusing on a broad range of fundamental and strategic challenges and questions facing the IBBE area.

Networks will operate for up to 5 years and are expected to become self-sustaining beyond this.

Applicants intending to submit an Expression of Interest must attend and present their proposed Network at the Community meeting being held in London on 17 January 2018.

Registration for the community meeting is via Key Survey here and closes 5 January 2018, 16:00. Register at the BBSRC NIBB Phase 2 Community Meeting registration page.

The networks will be interdisciplinary, working across the engineering, physical, chemical and biological sciences research communities.

The objectives of this call are:

  • To support a number of Networks in industrial biotechnology and bioenergy and through them, continue to facilitate the development and growth of internationally competitive cross-disciplinary communities capable of undertaking innovative research and attracting further investment from UK and international sources.
  • To provide the resources to support proof of concept funding for a range of research projects identified by the Networks, ultimately leading to more competitive, collaborative, cross-disciplinary and integrative research proposals to BBSRC and elsewhere particularly in the areas of manufacturing, bioremediation and bioenergy.
  • To encourage the interaction between the academic research base and technology-deploying, associated value-chain and end-user businesses, promoting the translation of research particularly involving genomic, systems and synthetic biology.
  • To enable the supported Networks to provide the leadership to develop, in collaboration with business, challenges to be addressed though national and international competitive funding mechanisms taking their research further towards commercialisation.

Note also:

  • Networks will be encouraged to work across the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1-4 with the aim of transitioning excellent fundamental research towards higher TRLs.
  • Each Network should have members from the relevant academic and business communities covering the disciplines of biology, chemistry and engineering. Networks should comprise a diversity of expertise and experience and may include international researchers, Government Departments and other stakeholders, as appropriate. Networks should include participation at all levels including, where appropriate, postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers as well as more senior members. Applicants should also consider the wider impacts of work undertaken by the Network and include representatives from the environmental, economic and social science communities.
  • Successful Networks are intended to be “open” in that participation by other interested members will be encouraged throughout the life of the Network in order to develop the community as it matures. How new members can join the Network should be described within the full proposal.

Previous Networks are listed here:

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