The Brain Tumour Charity – Expanding Theories Awards

Deadline: 19th March 2018           

Amount:  Up to £60,000

Duration: Up to 2 years

This funding opportunity is designed to promote innovative approaches that could fundamentally change the understanding, diagnosis, and/or management of brain tumours.

The goal of this award is to develop novel concepts that may eventually lead to significant improvements in clinical outcomes, including quality of life, for people with brain tumours.

The awards are designed to allow exploration of theories with the potential to open new avenues of investigation.

Projects funded through this scheme should be pilot awards.

It is intended that the scheme will allow the generation of sufficient data to support applications for larger scale projects to national/ international funding organisations.

Assessment criteria

Relevance to brain tumours

Novelty of approach

Expertise of applicants

Feasibility of project

Potential impact on the field

Please ensure to read the full call guidance document available through the link above and also the funder research strategy ‘A cure can’t wait’.

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