NIHR Newcastle BRC – Clinical PhD Fellowships Funding Call (Deadline 27th March 2018)

BRC Clinical Fellowships_Application Guidance Notes_Jan 2018 BRC Clinical Fellowship_Application Form_Jan 2018

The NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) is seeking a number of exceptional individuals to undertake three year Clinical PhD Fellowships that will make significant contributions to the translational aims of our NIHR Newcastle BRC in ageing and long-term conditions.

Applications are invited from UK-registered Clinicians (including Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, and other Allied Health Professionals) with fellowship proposals that address our overarching aim in Ageing and Long-Term Conditions. We particularly welcome applications from Nurses and Allied Health Professionals working with older people. The award offers 3 years full-time funding to undertake a PhD and is aimed at individuals, of outstanding potential, early in their research careers.

Key Dates

  • Call Opens: 30 January 2018
  • Submission Deadline: 27 March 2018, 5pm
  • Interviews: June 2018
  • Project Start Date: October 2018 

NIHR Newcastle BRC

The overarching aim of the NIHR Newcastle BRC is improving lives through world class research in ageing and long-term conditions. This will be achieved through building on our excellence in experimental medicine in dementia, liver disease, musculoskeletal disease, neuromuscular disease, and skin & oral disease, and apply advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these individual long-term conditions to ageing syndromes such as sarcopenia, frailty and multi-morbidity.

BRCs are funded by NIHR to drive innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and translate advances in research into patient benefit by bridging the first translational gap with a requirement that research benefits patients within 5 years. Any projects we fund must have clear potential clinical implications and identifiable outcomes that will move scientific research closer to patient benefit, this may also include the early development of medical or healthcare technology. Projects should aim to attract follow-on funding.


The award will cover:

  • Salary costs: corresponding to your stage of training, up to but not including NHS consultant level.
  • Up to £15,000 per year; to cover tuition fees, consumables, conference travel and other research running costs.

How to Apply

Application forms and guidance notes are attached and also available via the NIHR Newcastle BRC website.  Forms should be completed and submitted via email to by the 5pm on 27 March 2018.

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