EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Team visit on Thursday 24th May

The EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Team will be visiting the University on Thursday 24th May.

This is a really exciting opportunity to meet key representatives from the Healthcare Technologies team and hear about the priorities and opportunities in this area. In addition to a presentation from the EPSRC team and a showcase of Newcastle University research,  the agenda includes a networking lunch and a limited number of one to one sessions. More information on the EPSRC Healthcare Technologies theme can be found here.

To register to participate in this event please complete the following form: https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=1890183

Introductory “snap shot” slides

We would like to invite you to contribute an introductory slide to be displayed as part of a rolling presentation over the networking lunch .These slides will represent Newcastle University’s strengths in addressing the vision of the healthcare technologies theme to accelerate the translation of engineering and physical sciences research to healthcare applications.

Slides should ideally be image based with a key message or title and your name(s) and sent to amy.brown@ncl.ac.uk by Friday 18th May.


If you would like to present a poster showcasing research within the Healthcare Technologies remit please contact amy.brown@ncl.ac.uk as soon as possible with a title. Posters will be set up on the afternoon of 23rd May.

One to one sessions

There are a limited number of one to one session available to speak with an EPSRC representative. If you have registered interest in these sessions, you will be contacted separately with more information.

Please contact Dr Amy Brown (amy.brown@ncl.ac.uk), SAgE Research Funding and Development Team if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th May.

DRAFT Short Agenda EPSRC HCT May 2018 NU_v2 (002)

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