EPSRC Healthcare Impact Partnerships, call launches 14 June, Intent to submit 12 July, closing date 23 August 2018

14 June 2018      call launches

12 July 2018        Intent to Submit

23 August 2018  full applications

EPSRC Healthcare Impact Partnerships


EPSRC will shortly be inviting proposals for Healthcare Impact Partnerships.

This call is a follow-up to calls in 2013, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17.

A budget of up to £5 million will be available to support 5-7 projects that progress previous EPSRC-funded research towards generating impact in healthcare.

This call is intended to support novel Engineering and Physical Sciences research that is aligned to the Healthcare Technologies theme strategy and contributes to at least one of the Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.

Applicants will be required to partner with both clinicians and business, bringing together a range of expertise to provide the support and guidance required to promote impact in the healthcare sector.

This call will be open to Principal Investigators, from eligible UK research organisations, that have been a principal investigator or co-investigator on an EPSRC research grant that completed on or after 01 April 2013 (inclusive) or is due to finish by 01 April 2019.

Full proposals will undergo postal peer review, followed by assessment at a prioritisation panel resulting in a rank ordered list.

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