Wellcome Trust International Fellowships – change to remit

Please could you circulate this information to researchers in your Institutes.It will be of interest to those working with Lower and Middle Income Countries.

The Wellcome Trust has recently revised their International Fellowship schemes. https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/update-public-health-and-tropical-medicine-fellowships

The Wellcome has amended the remit of the three schemes to now include everything within its remit (https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/guidance/science-remit). They no longer just focus on Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

3 levels of fellowships are offered: International Master’s Fellowships, International Training Fellowships & International Intermediate Fellowships. They are open to clinicians and non-clinicians.

These schemes offer nationals of Lower and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) the chance to work in an LMIC and research a health priority in the setting.

This may be of interest to researchers who have LMIC partners or wish to develop LMIC relationships. Although the award could not be held at Newcastle University, a period of training / collaboration could be undertaken here.

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