Lister Institute Research Prizes C/D 12 October 2018

Dear All

I would be grateful if you could circulate this notice of the 2019 Lister Institute Research Prize

Closing date: Friday 12 October 2018

£250,000 over 5 years

Candidates must have more than 3 and less than 10 years’ postdoctoral experience on 1 October 2019 and

must have guaranteed employment for the first three years of the notional five years of the award


  • Any tenured or non-tenured researcher (scientist or clinician) working in an eligible UK or Irish institution is allowed to apply; provided that their personal salary is secure, from another source, and guaranteed for a minimum of the first three years of the award.
  • The recipient does not need to be a UK national, but they must have a position in a UK or Republic of Ireland (ROI) institution for at least the first three years of the award.
  • There is no age restriction, but the individual must, at the time of taking up the award, have a minimum of 3 or a maximum of 10 years’ research experience (allowance will be made for career breaks).
  • The individual may concurrently hold awards, such as a fellowship, programme, or project grant(s), from other organisations, or be employed by them.
  • Applicants may be scientifically trained undertaking full-time research, medically qualified still undergoing some speciality training and/or leading a research project with more than 3 but less than 10 years post-doctoral experience (post PhD or MD, whichever is the earlier).
  • Prizes are ideal for researchers just starting their own independent research group, or for group leaders looking to research new areas not covered by current awards.
  • The Lister Institute seeks diversity in its Prize winners and their research areas. The Institute is delighted that over the years female researches have been well represented amongst its prize-winners, which have been in the same gender ratio as initial applications.
  • The Institute is aware that personal circumstances vary and that there are unavoidable factors that limit research time (e.g. maternity leave, family commitments). Please contact the Lister Institute directly if you would like to discuss your eligibility

Those thinking of making an application should contact Gwen Averley and/or Darren Airey

With many thanks


2019 Terms and Conditions.doc

2019 Notice

2018 Prizewinners

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