Butterfield Awards in Medicine and Health 2019


Deadline: 15th December 2018

Amount: Up to £5,000 (or up to £5k pa for up to 3 years)

Eligibility: Researchers (including ECR), practitioners, managers, carers or others in health-related field (please see guidance)

Remit: no restrictions on the field of research or collaboration, provided that it is one in which the UK and Japan have a mutual and beneficial interest

The awards are intended to encourage and facilitate exploratory exchanges and collaborations between qualified professionals in Japan and the UK, and the investigation of scientific, clinical, social and economic aspects of medicine in which Japanese and British researchers, practitioners, policy makers, managers and voluntary sector workers may learn from each other.

The grants may be used for travel expenses or to contribute to other costs as appropriate (but NOT laboratory consumables).

Typically, an award might cover the cost of one exchange visit in each direction for up to a month.

It is intended that the project should involve partners in both the UK and Japan.

Please read the full call description via the link above and also see attached documents.

2019 Butterfield Referee Report Guidelines

2019 Butterfield Awards Sample Application

2019 Butterfield Awards Criteria

Butterfield Letter 2019

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