BBSRC – 2018 Bioinformatics and Biological Resources Fund

Deadline: 14th November 2018

Amount: Total budget of £6m

Duration: Up to 5 years (earliest start date 1st July 2019)

Funding to facilitate the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of high-quality bioinformatics and biological resources to support the UK bioscience research community.

The UK bioscience community need for access to state-of-the-art bioinformatics and biological resources, to facilitate ground-breaking research in an internationally competitive environment.

  • Bioinformatics resources (for example databases, software suites): enable management, analysis and sharing of large and/or complex datasets and development of novel software solutions for deeper analysis of datasets and greater understanding of biological systems
  • Biological resources: provide access to materials that underpin cutting edge bioscience research, for example culture and germplasm collections, mutant lines, DNA samples, clones, genetic libraries etc.

BBR funding is available for the following types of applications:

  • Establishment and maintenance of a new resource that would be applicable to a broad BBSRC user community.
  • Maturation and subsequent maintenance of a project-based resource into a community-based one.
  • Development and subsequent maintenance of an existing community resource to increase its relevance to a broad BBSRC user group.
  • Interfacing and integrating resources to better meet user need.

It is also essential to demonstrate strong demand from the UK bioscience community, together with an appropriate access policy.


Proposals in the following areas will not be accepted:

  • Projects with an exclusive research focus – some elements of research can be included, but should support technological development of the resource to address changing user needs
  • Resources already suitably supported via other means
  • Principal beneficiaries are outside of the UK
  • Principal beneficiaries are outside of bioscience
  • Archive-only resources without active usage
  • Collections of preserved, non-recoverable specimens (for example herbaria, formalin-fixed material).

Please ensure to read the full call guidance and FAQ documents available through the link above.

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