Rosetrees Trust 2019 Young Enterprise Fellowships

This currently is a one-off initiative but they tell me that it may become an annual call.

31st March 2019

Rosetrees Trust 2019 Young Enterprise Fellowships (YEFs)

The vision: Young Enterprise Fellowships (YEFs) are aimed specifically at recently qualified postdoctoral researchers primarily in the fields of engineering, computer science, maths and physics who wish to develop a long-term programme of biomedical research.
Successful projects will be truly innovative and not merely an extension of your current research.
We expect you to apply your skills to address an important unmet clinical problem, to develop your scientific independence and establish new collaborations across disciplines in the field.
We’re looking for dynamic and motivated scientists who have the vision to address an important clinical problem with a novel and potentially transformative approach.
A key consideration will be the candidate’s likelihood of developing as an independent scientist.

We believe that Rosetrees anticipate funding 2 or 3 fellowships.

Eligibility: Applicants must either be in the final year of their PhD studies or be an early-career researcher with a maximum of 3 years post-doctoral experience (excluding career breaks).
Applicants must not yet have held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or be in receipt of another stipendiary fellowship.
All candidates must hold a doctorate by the time they take up the fellowship.

Funding: Awards are for 3 years and are for up to £60k per annum to include the salary of the fellow only and research expenses.

Please note that Letters of Support from the host supervisor and head of department are required.

Applicants should seek support from the Institute/School research support officer for costing and for the internal authorisation of submission process.

They should also seek support from their academic colleagues and the funding development team.

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