Discrimination Law Training Session February 12th 12.00-14.00 Leech Building, Room 2.8

Dear All,

The survey of FMS EDI leads we ran last year highlighted that we could all do with more training to enable and empower us in our roles. As a result we will be running a series of training events for EDI leads and teams this year, with the first one being a training session delivered by Paul Johnstone, from the University’s legal team, on Discrimination Law. In this session, Paul will explore the fundamental aspects of Equality Law that we should all know about, and will also delve into other potentially confusing areas e.g. the difference between positive discrimination and positive action. The session is being held on Tuesday 12th February 12.00-14.00 in the Medical School, Leech Building, Room 2.8, with a networking lunch included. If you would like to attend you can register for the event here. Also if you’d like to ask Paul a burning question, you can add it into the form so he can come well prepared with your answer!

Kind regards,


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