Power UP NU: A half-day workshop for employees who want to organise an accessible events

Dear colleague,

I am delighted to invite you to the above workshop funded through the University’s  ‘Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Fund’ (EDIF). It is an interactive workshop that will explore the universal model of accessibility in relation to adjustments for disabled people.

The workshop is targeted at all staff whose roles involve teaching, event planning; developing presentations, websites & publicity materials; giving presentation; and organising various meetings/activities.  The aim is for delegates to gain knowledge; which would enable them develop  skills and improve their practice by creating long-term change; whilst ensuring that  disabled staff, students and visitors at Newcastle University are supported to thrive in an enabling environment by becoming full participants in university life, events and activities (without limitations).  Details of the workshop are as follows:

Date: 9th April 2019

Venue: Lindisfarne Room, Hadrian Building

Time: 9:00am (registration); Session starts at 10:00 – 1:30pm (Prior booking is essential for this workshop)

Highlights: The workshop will involve two very experienced access and disability consultants: David Burdus and Tessa Padden, who will be sharing their respective expertise and wealth of experience in relation physical and sensory access with delegates.

Booking instructions: To book  a place, please click here.  There are limited places as this is a one-off workshop.  We intend to keep a waiting list, in case of cancellations.  Should bookings reach full capacity, please contact me on Ext. 84490 to be included on the waiting list from which cancelled places will be offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

Important Request: Please  kindly help us to publicise this workshop across your networks by using the attached flyer/via email.  To help us further, please  print off some copies of the flyer and post on notice boards in your staff rooms or departmental notice boards, as this would encourage a  diverse group of delegates to attend.  It would also ensure that those colleagues who have no access to a work computer can see the workshop flyer.

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