MRC funding opportunities

UKRI GCRF Health and Context call 2019 – outline

Deadline: 2 April 2019


The UKRI GCRF Health and Context call is seeking proposals for interdisciplinary research addressing wider contextual factors contributing to the burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

These factors may include social, cultural, historical, and religious beliefs and practices, or wider biological, ecological and environmental factors. We want to fund consortia conducting ambitious research that:

  • goes beyond description to determine causal relationships between contextual influences and health
  • develops or tests feasible interventions that are sensitive to or mitigate contextual influences on health.

Via the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UKRI will support impactful, three-year research projects of value between £1-2 million (at 80% FEC for UK costs, 100% FEC for overseas costs).

This call is being led jointly by the Medical Research Council, Economic & Social Research Council, Arts & Humanities Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and applications may fall within the remit of any of, or across, these councils.


Understanding the mechanistic links between nutrition and non-communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries

Deadline: 4 April 2019


GCRF funding call: ‘Understanding the mechanistic links between nutrition and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)’ is part of the MRC’s suite of strategic activities in global nutrition and health research.

The overarching aim of the call is to develop new programmes of research and partnerships between UK and LMIC-based researchers.

The purpose of the research is to link mechanistic understanding of disease to populations in a context-specific manner (that is, a focus on problems and health challenges that are specific to LMIC countries or regions within, LMIC populations or segments of the population).

The specific remit is to unpick the mechanistic links between nutrition/diet and NCDs (see detailed Aims and remit).

To support the research community in developing new and innovative research plans – including coordinating interest, data, expertise and resources – towards building equitable partnerships for more substantial programmatic research.

The funding call will be phased in two stages: an obligatory development stage and a full application stage.

Successful applicants at the development stage will be awarded funds (£50,000 maximum MRC contribution for up to 10 months, see application process) to develop full applications for new programmes of research with a duration of three to five years (up to £2 million MRC contribution, this figure is subject to confirmation at the full application stage). Only proposals successful at the development stage will be eligible for the full application stage.

Please note that more established groups and partnerships that may already be well placed to apply for competitive funding should consider applying to research funding in response-mode through the MRC’s Population and Systems Medicine Board.

The research supported through this call will contribute to the UK’s commitment to Official Development Assistance (ODA) to LMICs. Applications must demonstrate the research to be primarily relevant to near-term or long-term benefits to the health or prosperity of people in LMICs.


Global Maternal and Neonatal Health 2019 – outlines

Deadline: 24 April 2019


The Global Maternal and Neonatal Health funding call is a joint initiative between the Medical Research Council (MRC; part of UK Research & Innovation, partly funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)), and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

The purpose of the call is to address the burden of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity in low and middle income countries (LMICs), by funding high-quality proposals across the spectrum of basic to applied research.

Awards will support multidisciplinary approaches, build and strengthen research partnerships, and promote capacity building in global maternal and neonatal health research.

Applications are particularly encouraged from principal investigators based at organisations in LMICs, as well as from eligible research organisations based in the UK working in equitable partnership with LMIC colleagues.

This is the first of three annual calls. Up to £10 million will be made available for this call to support research grants up to three years in duration and seed-funding grants up to one year’s duration.

For the first call we particularly encourage proposals focusing on the period of pregnancy and birth, although pre-conception and postpartum applications will be considered.


Please contact Gwen Averley and Darren Airey if you would like any assistance in applying for any of these funding calls.

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