MRC/MSIT/NRF Multi-omics Based Research for Precision Medicine Research Initiative 2019. Deadline 24/04/19

Multi-omics Based Research for Precision Medicine Research Initiative 2019

Deadline: 24th April 2019 (EoI deadline 10th April 2019, please see below)

Amount: Up to £9 million: up to £2 million of MRC (UK component); up to £7 million from MSIT/NRF (Korean component)

This initiative will provide funding for one high-quality collaborative research consortium focusing on multi-omics based research for precision medicine.

This initiative will provide significant funding for a UK-Korea precision medicine consortium focused on addressing a disease for which there is a strong case for scientific advancement and major unmet clinical need, with the aim of:

  • supporting large-scale, interdisciplinary, multi-ethnic, multi-omics based collaborative research
  • providing new insights into disease mechanisms that will enable better tailoring of existing treatments and pave the way for the development of new treatments, diagnostics and care pathways
  • enhancing existing partnerships and developing new partnerships between the UK and Korea in the area of precision medicine.
  • strengthening the strategic relationship between the UK and Korea.

Applications from any disease area are welcomed including, but not limited to, cancer, metabolic diseases, immune or inflammatory diseases, heart diseases, degenerative brain disease, neurological, sensory and mental health disorders.

Applicants should make a strong case for scientific advancement within an area of major unmet clinical need (full objectives and scope detailed through link above).

This call will fund partnerships between UK and Korean based researchers working in the area of multi-omics based precision medicine. It is important to note that:

  • the proposal should be developed by a UK principal investigator (PI) and a Korean PI
  • the UK and Korean PIs may only submit one application to this scheme as PI
  • the Korean PI cannot be involved as co-investigator (Co-I) in other applications submitted to this call
  • the Korean PI must commit at least 50% of their time to the research project
  • the UK PI may be involved in other applications if listed as Co-I
  • UK Co-Is may be involved in more than one application.

Online networking database

MRC, MSIT and NRF will create an online networking database to compile a list of UK and Korean researchers who are interested in finding possible collaborators for this call. Participation in the online networking database is optional.

If you would like to share your details with the research community in the UK and Korea, please complete the online networking template form in English. Researchers completing the form should be aware that these details will be made public.

A copy of the online networking database will be made available online on this page from Monday 11 March (UK time) and will be updated once per week until Monday 1 April (UK time) with all the networking information received before 9:00 GMT+1 on the date of the update.

Expression of interest

Researchers planning to submit to this scheme are asked to submit a short expression of interest (EoI) online form by 10 April 2019.

Please note, this step does not form part of the review process and the MRC will not undertake eligibility checks at this point; applicants should not await a response from the MRC following EoI submission, but continue with the development of the full proposal, deadline 24 April 2019.

The MRC will use the expression of interest to help prepare for the review process.

Applicants are not expected to submit an expression of interest to MSIT/NRF.

On the UK side, projects must start on 1 January 2020. Projects must be three years in duration and have completed by 31 December 2022.

On the Korean side, projects must start on 1 September 2019. The project will be divided into two stages:

first stage: 1 Sept 2019-1 Dec 2022

second stage: 1 Jan 2023-31 Dec 2024

after the completion of the first stage, the Korean team can move to the second stage subject to satisfactory assessment of the first stage outcomes. However, the proposal should clearly outline the entirety of the research plans across both stages.

Although the UK component of the consortium will not receive funding for the full duration of the project through this initiative, the expectation is that the proposal should clearly outline the entirety of the research plans for both stages, and clearly detail roles and responsibilities within the full project period.

Please ensure that you read the call text document and full details through the link above.

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