EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050


Deadline: 2nd May 2019 (outline stage)

Amount: Up to £25 million to fund 4 – 6 projects

The Healthcare Technologies Theme aims to invest in research to support the next generation of underpinning science and emerging technologies.

The focus of this call is Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050; technologies expected to have an impact within the next 30 years for the NHS, community or home care and an ageing workforce.

EPSRC are looking to support visionary projects which could create a step change in how healthcare is delivered.

EPSRC wishes to encourage new thinking and collaborations which will bring about the technologies to impact the healthcare sector within the next 30 years.

EPSRC particularly welcome projects and collaborations which address underrepresented parts of the portfolio.

As such, the Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 call will focus on the needs of the following two Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges:

  • Transforming Community Health and Care
  • Frontiers of Physical Intervention

Applications to this call are encouraged across the breadth of engineering, physical sciences, mathematical sciences and ICT.

EPSRC are looking for applications that do not just consider health treatment but also homecare, prevention and wellbeing with the overall goal of keeping people physically and mentally healthy.

EPSRC encourages new ideas, thinking and collaborations, in areas currently underrepresented in our portfolio, to address what could be routine in the NHS in 30 years’ time. EPSRC are keen to develop and help realise the potential of:

  • Next-generation digital healthcare systems
  • Engineering healthier environments where people live and work
  • Future affordable and inclusive healthcare solutions
  • Technologies to improve healthcare treatment

The call will follow a non-standard format for submissions and assessment, including an anonymous outline stage.

There will be an information day about this call which will be held on 27 March 2019.

For details and to sign up to attend please visit the EPSRC website: https://epsrc.ukri.org/funding/calls/transformativehealthtech2050infoday/.

Principal Investigators can only lead on a maximum of one application and may be named as Co-Investigator on one other.

Please ensure to read the full call documentation available through the link above.

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