Turing AI Fellowships (Briefing)


This will be of interest to those working with AI in the Humanities and Life Sciences.

Please note the internal deadline is Sunday 17th and interested parties should contact elena.gorman@ncl.ac.uk to discuss their suitability and next actions.

A flyer is attached above with further details of the scheme and process.


The Alan Turing Institute recently launched its first call for Turing AI Fellowships. Approximately 3-5 Fellowships are available through this call.

To help us manage this activity within Newcastle University, I’ve produced a briefing note (attached). Please may you distribute this information however you see fit within your School/Department?

Key points to note are:

  • The Turing has invited applications from disciplines including mathematical sciences, statistical sciences, computational sciences, and engineering, as well as life sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
  • The University is able to support a maximum of 3 applications.
  • The 3 shortlisted applicants will need to work with colleagues from the relevant faculties/schools to produce costings (please note the short timeframe for this).
  • Each application must be accompanied by a letter of intent, to be signed by the head of the host school.
  • The timeframes are very short (see the submission deadlines below).
  • More details about the Fellowships are available in the Call Document and FAQs.

Key dates are:

Sunday 17th March  Newcastle University’s internal submission deadline
Friday 29th March (23:00)  The Alan Turing Institute’s Stage 1 submission deadline
Sunday 9th June  The Alan Turing Institute’s Stage 2 submission deadline


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