ERDP Seminar: Queer Bioethics, 1-2pm, 7 May

CRichie flyer 070519

Dear colleagues

Please find attached flyer with information on the next ERDP Network hosted seminar ‘Queer Bioethics: Unpacking an American Notion’ to be delivered by Prof Cristina Richie, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University & Head of North Carolina UNESCO Bioethics Unit, 1-2pm on Tuesday 7 May in seminar room L2.3, 2nd floor Leech building, Medical School.

Further information on Prof Richie and her work can be found on her East Carolina University webpage

Numbers will be limited to ensure there will be adequate opportunity for discussion. Please sign up using this link or by emailing

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