MRC pre-call announcement: Fourth call for research to improve adolescent health in low and middle income countries

Fourth call for research to improve adolescent health in low and middle income countries

Call opens: 29/05/19

Deadline: 16/07/19

Budget: ~£4m

This call aims to fund world-class and cutting edge applied research that addresses the health needs of adolescent populations in low and middle income countries (LMICs).

Awards will build and strengthen research partnerships and promote capacity building in global adolescent health research.

Interdisciplinary proposals will be particularly encouraged that address the most pressing health needs of adolescents in LMICs.

There will be a two-stage application process, initially inviting researchers to submit outline proposals to be considered by a review panel.

Funding for this call forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment. Applications must demonstrate the research to be primarily relevant and directly linked to near-term benefits to the health and economic development of LMICs.

Those interested in developing ideas should contact Elisa Lawson to ensure that research projects meet ODA requirements and the needs of low and middle income countries (LMICs).

Full call details will be populated on the link above closer to the launch date (29/05/19).

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