Mobilising for Mexico, 22nd May Old Library Building

In June there will be three British Council calls for funds aimed at building research collaborations in Mexico, and developing impact for current or previous Newton holders.

There will be a British Council-led Workshop

Would you like to instigate or enhance research collaborations with Mexico?  Are you a current or previous Newton holder that could develop more impact?  Could you use some funds to help you do that?

If so, you’re invited to a British Council led workshop to explore three forthcoming funding calls. Specifically, the June calls will be:

a. IL-Transformative Innovation: to initiate collaborations between academic groups and institutions to support the exchange of research and innovation expertise and the translation of research knowledge into tangible benefits aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals focusing on promoting systemic change. 

  1. IL-Technology Transfer: for the establishment of working groups to develop research, development and innovation projects, focusing on solutions for priority socio-economic challenges. This activity will support bi-national partnerships to integrate the proof of concept of a joint technology transfer project..  

This grant is designed to provide previous and current Newton award holders with the opportunity to unlock further impact from their work in a way that strengthens the impact of their projects. The intention is that selected proposals will add tangible value in communities both in Mexico and in the UK. 

The workshop will explore how best to position your research, and allow you to pitch your work to the fund managers.

Details: 22nd May, 10.00 – 13.00, Old Library Building 10.00 – 13.00

You may wish to stay for all or part of the session.  A more detailed agenda and registration details will follow.

If you would like to briefly pitch your idea to the British Council, please email to express your interest.

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