BBSRC Bioscience Big Ideas Pipeline – submit your ‘Big Idea’ by 14 August 2019 (there will be further deadlines)

Wednesday 12 August 2019 (first of several submission dates in the next 12 months)

BBSRC Bioscience Big Ideas Pipeline

BBSRC invites you to participate in a ‘visioning exercise’ to help identify the next generation of potential research and innovation priorities.

It is not a call for proposals, rather it is seeking exciting ideas to inform their future research and innovation strategy which could, in turn, attract investment or lead to support for community activities.

A ‘big idea’ is expected to be distinctive and compelling and have the potential to create transformational change. These will be on a much larger scale than a single research grant.

To submit an idea please complete the form at the link above.

BBSRC is encouraging collaborative submissions from groups and networks, in addition to individual submissions so they recommend that you discuss your idea with a group of interested parties/stakeholders.

BBSRC may put you in contact with others who have submitted similar ideas in order to develop the idea(s) further, but will seek your permission to do so first.

This programme will run for approximately 12 months and they will consider submissions in several batches.

They have set a date of Wednesday 14 August 2019 as the cut off date for the first wave of submissions.

At the end of the year they will publish a summary of the big ideas.

Examples of the nature of the ideas that BBSRC would like to receive include (but are not limited to):

  • A distinctive and well defined challenge requiring new impetus to tackle
  • Discovery research areas that represent a potential step-change in knowledge but cannot be tackled through conventional approaches
  • An idea that would be enabling (if successful) and would generate further breakthroughs and outputs in multiple other areas of science
  • Building research community capability in emerging technologies, research areas, and disciplinary interfaces
  • Ideas that require multi-disciplinary approaches or new ways of collaborative working to be delivered

Multidisciplinary ideas are encouraged but the ideas should demonstrate clear relevance to the advancement of bioscience research or its application