RA Eng Research Fellowship — update on internal selection process for circulation

RAEng Research Fellowships 2019 – Big Pitch Form

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships 2019/20 – Internal selection process

The Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships, and Engineering for Development Fellowships, opportunity for 2020 is open, see https://www.raeng.org.uk/grants-and-prizes/grants/support-for-research/raeng-research-fellowship.

The fellowships support early career post-doctoral researchers (with up to 4 year post-doc experience, excluding leave). The scheme provides funding for five years to encourage the best researchers in engineering to become research leaders in their specialised areas.

As institutions can only make a limited number of applications, the University will hold an internal selection process as detailed in the attached document.

The internal deadline for submitting your ‘Big Pitch’ form (please find attached) and CV for the internal selection process is midday on Thursday 1 August 2019.

Details on the internal selection process will be outlined at a briefing session on 18 July, from 1.00-2.30pm, Armstrong Building, Seminar room 3.41. Interested applicants are expected to attend.

Any queries may be addressed to Jarlath McKenna <Jarlath.mckenna@newcastle.ac.uk>. Please let him know if you wish to attend the briefing session, or if you plan to submit to the internal selection process but cannot attend the briefing.