MRC Genome Editing Mice for Medicine (GEMM)

Genome Editing Mice for Medicine (GEMM Call 6)

Deadline 25th October 2019

MRC has committed up to £4.5m over 5 years to the Mary Lyon Centre to administer the Genome Editing Mice for Medicine (GEMM) funding scheme.

This will exploit the Centre’s expertise to deliver novel mouse lines to advance knowledge of human disease and/or be of wide use in biomedical science.

The UK academic research community is invited to nominate mouse lines for production and outline their own experimental plans for them.

GEMM Call 6 is a full call open to nominations for mouse lines carrying bespoke indels, deletions, point mutations, conditionals and cassette knock-ins.

Nominations will be assessed by a cross-discipline panel of experts across two key themes:

  • The nominator’s own research hypotheses and specific research plans for the mouse.
  • The beneficial impact the proposed novel mouse line will have on the wider academic community.

This award will financially support mouse line generation and archiving, but not the nominator’s own experimental research costs.

Applicants will therefore be asked to describe the funding in place to support their proposed downstream work.

Successfully-generated mouse lines will be made publicly-available through the European Mouse Mutant Archive.

If you are interested in applying, please ensure to read the full call guidance available through the links above and also the GEMM 6 guide (pdf available via links).

Details of how to apply are given in the GEMM 6 guide.