BBSRC International Flexible Interchange Programme (I-FLIP)

BBSRC International Flexible Interchange Programme (I-FLIP)

Deadline: 11 September 2019

Amount:  Up to £600,000 is available in total (expecting to fund 6 and 10 projects)

Applications can be up to £100,000 per project

Duration: Up to 12 months. All projects must be completed by 31 March 2021

I-FLIP aims to increase and accelerate the uptake and impact of previous BBSRC funded research through facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity building activities that deliver direct tangible and demonstrable benefits to users.

I-FLIP will provide funding to directly address challenges faced by developing countries by supporting the movement of people between the UK academic base and user organisations in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).

This Call will support interchanges between the UK academic base and user organisations in DAC list countries.

Accordingly, all proposals to this Call must include at least one user organisation from a country on the DAC list as a project partner

Private, public or third-sector organisations or institutions with an interest that falls within BBSRC’s remit are eligible to be considered as users in the context of this Call.

These include: private industry, public bodies (such as government departments, local government, regulatory authorities, etc.), non-government organisations or charities and other third-sector organisations.

Research Council Institutes, HEIs and IROs are not eligible as users. Any number of user organisations can be included in a single project, and each participating organisation can send and/or receive any number of interchangers.

BBSRC expects that interchangers from the UK will spend a period of time working within the country that the I-FLIP project aims to support.

BBSRC welcomes researchers, technical staff and professional service staff to participate as interchangers in order to maximise the transfer of knowledge and know-how from previous research.

Each I-FLIP project can include any number of interchanges, which can operate in either direction, between UK academic institutions and user organisations.

Interchanges can occur on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis.

Official Development Assistance

Applicants must demonstrate that the primary purpose of their proposed project is to promote the economic development and welfare of people in the DAC partner country.

The scale and breadth of its potential impact will be an important consideration in the assessment of proposals.

Successful proposals aiming to work with a country on the DAC list of ODA recipients will focus on delivering outcomes that promote the long-term sustainable growth of that country (or countries).

Funding within this call will therefore be awarded in a manner that fits with ODA guidelines.

Please ensure to read the full call outline and guidance (pdf) available through the link above.