Applications Open for multidisciplinary Cancer Research UK-EPSRC Early Detection Innovation Sandpit and Award

Cancer Research UK-EPSRC  –  Early Detection Innovation Sandpit and Award

Deadline: 30th September 2019

Amount: Up to £100k

This award aims to catalyse new multidisciplinary collaborations to generate novel and innovative ideas that will lead to earlier detection of cancer.

In partnership with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Cancer Research UK administers the Early Detection Innovation Sandpit and Award which aims to catalyse new multidisciplinary collaborations to drive forward earlier detection of cancer.

Applicants attend an intensive and interactive three-day residential workshop where they have the opportunity to:

  • Network and form new collaborations spanning diverse research areas and organisations.
  • Work in broad, multidisciplinary teams to generate new and innovative research ideas.
  • Pitch projects for seed funding to test the feasibility of their ideas.

The aim of this workshop is to bring in innovative computational approaches from outside of cancer research, and to direct these efforts towards cancer early detection.

Developing tools with the potential to translate into a diagnostic and/or surveillance pathway, that can bridge pathology and imaging, are of particular interest.

The theme for the November 2019 workshop is applying artificial intelligence techniques to digital pathology images for cancer early detection.

Research ideas developed at the workshop could investigate some or a combination of challenges, as outlined here.

Applicants from a wide range of disciplines are eligible including those working in the fields of cancer biology, healthcare professionals, computer scientists, mathematicians and statisticians, engineers, physical scientists, and those working in the digital and technology space.

Teams who successfully pitch proposals at the workshop will receive seed funding for one year to cover the costs of pilot/feasibility studies.

If you are interested in applying and would like to support with your application please contact Holly Davidson, SAgE RFDM (with Gwen Averley in cc).