BBSRC – 2018 Bioinformatics and Biological Resources Fund

Deadline: 14th November 2018

Amount: Total budget of £6m

Duration: Up to 5 years (earliest start date 1st July 2019)

Funding to facilitate the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of high-quality bioinformatics and biological resources to support the UK bioscience research community.

The UK bioscience community need for access to state-of-the-art bioinformatics and biological resources, to facilitate ground-breaking research in an internationally competitive environment.

  • Bioinformatics resources (for example databases, software suites): enable management, analysis and sharing of large and/or complex datasets and development of novel software solutions for deeper analysis of datasets and greater understanding of biological systems
  • Biological resources: provide access to materials that underpin cutting edge bioscience research, for example culture and germplasm collections, mutant lines, DNA samples, clones, genetic libraries etc.

BBR funding is available for the following types of applications:

  • Establishment and maintenance of a new resource that would be applicable to a broad BBSRC user community.
  • Maturation and subsequent maintenance of a project-based resource into a community-based one.
  • Development and subsequent maintenance of an existing community resource to increase its relevance to a broad BBSRC user group.
  • Interfacing and integrating resources to better meet user need.

It is also essential to demonstrate strong demand from the UK bioscience community, together with an appropriate access policy.


Proposals in the following areas will not be accepted:

  • Projects with an exclusive research focus – some elements of research can be included, but should support technological development of the resource to address changing user needs
  • Resources already suitably supported via other means
  • Principal beneficiaries are outside of the UK
  • Principal beneficiaries are outside of bioscience
  • Archive-only resources without active usage
  • Collections of preserved, non-recoverable specimens (for example herbaria, formalin-fixed material).

Please ensure to read the full call guidance and FAQ documents available through the link above.

Butterfield Awards in Medicine and Health 2019

Deadline: 15th December 2018

Amount: Up to £5,000 (or up to £5k pa for up to 3 years)

Eligibility: Researchers (including ECR), practitioners, managers, carers or others in health-related field (please see guidance)

Remit: no restrictions on the field of research or collaboration, provided that it is one in which the UK and Japan have a mutual and beneficial interest

The awards are intended to encourage and facilitate exploratory exchanges and collaborations between qualified professionals in Japan and the UK, and the investigation of scientific, clinical, social and economic aspects of medicine in which Japanese and British researchers, practitioners, policy makers, managers and voluntary sector workers may learn from each other.

The grants may be used for travel expenses or to contribute to other costs as appropriate (but NOT laboratory consumables).

Typically, an award might cover the cost of one exchange visit in each direction for up to a month.

It is intended that the project should involve partners in both the UK and Japan.

Please read the full call description via the link above and also see attached documents.

2019 Butterfield Referee Report Guidelines

2019 Butterfield Awards Sample Application

2019 Butterfield Awards Criteria

Butterfield Letter 2019

BBSRC International Partnering Awards Call Open

These are an excellent opportunity for researchers to obtain funding to develop links and collaborations in other countries.

This could then be used to develop relationships for Newton Fund, GCRF and other international funding opportunities.

Anyone who would like assistance with an application can contact Dr Gwen Averley (FMS), Darren Airey (FMS) or colleagues in the EU/International team (Dajana Dzanovic, Elisa Lawson, Hilary Noone).

Details of each scheme can be found here:

Further details can also be found here:

BBSRC International Partnering Awards Call Open

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) International Partnering Awards provide pump-priming funds for UK scientists to build new links with their overseas counterparts to add value to existing BBSRC funded research grants.

Resources are available to leading BBSRC-supported research groups to enable them to forge long-term relationships with international scientists in areas of research that are of direct relevance to BBSRC’s current scientific strategy. It is hoped that the long-term partnerships established through Partnering Awards will lead to the development of new collaborative research programmes.

The specific objectives that underpin the international Partnering Award scheme are to:

  • Establish partnerships between UK and overseas research laboratories.
  • Promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists.
  • Promote access to facilities.

It is suggested that research groups should try and access other sources of funding in addition to the Partnering Award. Applications must be made by a principal investigator who is both eligible for and currently in receipt of BBSRC funding.

The following awards are now open for submission:

  • Brazil: up to £50,000 over a four year period is available.
  • China: awards of up to £30,000 over a four year period.
  • European: support between £15,000 and £20,000 is available for a 12 to 18 month period.
  • India: up to £30,000 for a four year period.
  • International Workshops: up to £10,000 is available to host workshops in any country.
  • Japan: up to £50,000 is available over four years.
  • Other Countries: support up to £30,000 over four years.
  • Taiwan: funds up to £25,000 for two years.
  • USA: £50,000 for up to four years is available.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on 15 November 2018.

Click to view further information about this news alert

Directors Day Programme

The Institute of Cellular Medicine Research Day will be held this Friday 14th September 2018 in the David Shaw Lecture Theatre and Foyer.

There will be a selection of presentations from within the Institute as detailed in the programme (link below). We will also have poster presentations and lightning talks, all showcasing the excellent range of work within our Institute.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day, for what promises to be an exciting opportunity to discuss our research.

D Day Programme 2018

BBSRC (GCRF) – International Flexible Interchange Programme (I-FLIP). Deadline: 16 October 2018

Deadline: 16th October 2018

Duration: Up to 12 months, must be completed by 31st March 2020

Amount: Up to £70k per project (at 100% fEC). Total budget of £600k

Eligibility: The call is open only to current or past BBSRC grant-holders

I-FLIP is part of BBSRC’s portfolio of activities that enable the delivery of economic and societal impact through innovation and knowledge exchange.

As with all GCRF funding, the primary beneficiary of all IFLIP projects must be a DAC list country.

I-FLIP aims to:

Increase and accelerate the uptake and impact of previous BBSRC funded research through knowledge exchange activities that deliver benefit and impact in a DAC list country(ies).

Support and enable the formation and development of sustainable partnerships with the aim of maximising the impact of previously-funded BBSRC research.

Strengthen the wider skills of interchanger(s) and explore opportunities to further develop these skills by spending time working within a different environment.

I-FLIP will support multidirectional interchange(s) between the UK academic base and users within a DAC list country leading to the exchange of knowledge / skills / capabilities for the purpose of directly addressing challenges in developing countries.

Interchanges funded through I-FLIP will consist of individuals moving between the academic base in the UK and user organisations operating within countries on the DAC list in order to deliver the aims of the I-FLIP project.

BBSRC welcomes researchers, technical staff and professional service staff as interchangers in order to maximise the transfer of knowledge and know-how from previous research.

Each I-FLIP project can include any number of interchanges, which can operate in either direction, between UK academic institutions and user organisations. Interchanges can occur on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis.

Applicants should clearly articulate how their project has been co-designed with DAC list partners and will draw upon the outputs of previous BBSRC-funded research.

Each project must clearly demonstrate how the DAC list country is the primary beneficiary.

BBSRC envisages that projects funded through I-FLIP could fall under one or more of the following themes:

  • Developmental impact: broader societal, economic and environmental impact, and contribution to poverty reduction in the poorest countries.
  • Policy impact: influence on key policy processes and evidence-informed decisions.
  • Practice-level impact: influence on development practice and development practitioners.
  • Conceptual impact: influence on how people think about development issues.
  • Capacity development: strengthened capacity to produce, communicate and use research in LMICs.
  • Collaborative impact: development of long-lasting, innovative and interdisciplinary collaborations that can transform global development.
  • Knowledge as a global public good: open and beneficial to all with open access to research and data increasing potential impact.

Please ensure to read the full call documentation, DAC list and FAQs available through the link above.