Global Challenges Academy – Women in Development Network (WiDeN)

Dear colleague – as you may know, Pauline Dixon, Karen Ross  and Bob Newbery have recently been awarded some pump-priming funding from the Global Challenges Academy to set up the Women in Development Network (WiDeN) Our longer-term plan for WiDeN is to be able to respond to future calls under GCRF which focus on gender and the economy and in particular, looking at the ways in which women are empowering themselves (and the families and communities) through their entrepreneurial activities. We hope to be able to answer fundamental questions which relate to the institutions, cultural norms, structures and strategies which enable such activity to develop and flourish or which, on the other hand, hinder women’s economic ambitions.

In the short-term, however, we would like to invite anyone who is working in the broad area of gender and development, gender and the economy or gender and entrepreneurial activity or indeed any other area of gender-based research which seems relevant, to come along to a lunchtime meeting to exchange experiences and interests and hopefully identify some initial ideas for collaboration.

WiDeN is at a very preliminary stage of its development, everything is possible, so if you’d like to get involved in something interesting which could become brilliant, please come along on Wednesday 8 May (1300-1430,  Armstrong 3.38), and let’s start talking.  Lunch provided. Please register here so we can organise catering and avoid creating a sandwich mountain.

BioDundee Conference

Now in its 19th year the BioDundee Conference is the longest-running and most established event of its kind in Scotland.  It is a two-day event with accompanying exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.  The Networking Reception and Gala Dinner brings together the key people and organisations involved in Life Sciences, Healthcare and associated sectors.

The upcoming BioDundee 2019 conference “Life Sciences and Healthcare: Transforming the Future” takes place on 21st and 22nd May 2019.

We have an excellent programme with confirmed speakers to date include Julia Brown (Scottish Enterprise), Professor George Crook OBE (Digital Health & Care Institute), Dr Richard Bickerton (Exscientia), Richard Hebdon (Innovate UK), Dr Siobhán Jordan (Interface), and Dr Jonathan Snape (James Hutton Ltd).

Please click to view the conference programme, the speakers confirmed to date, sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities and how to register

Power UP NU: A half-day workshop for employees who want to organise an accessible events

Dear colleague,

I am delighted to invite you to the above workshop funded through the University’s  ‘Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Fund’ (EDIF). It is an interactive workshop that will explore the universal model of accessibility in relation to adjustments for disabled people.

The workshop is targeted at all staff whose roles involve teaching, event planning; developing presentations, websites & publicity materials; giving presentation; and organising various meetings/activities.  The aim is for delegates to gain knowledge; which would enable them develop  skills and improve their practice by creating long-term change; whilst ensuring that  disabled staff, students and visitors at Newcastle University are supported to thrive in an enabling environment by becoming full participants in university life, events and activities (without limitations).  Details of the workshop are as follows:

Date: 9th April 2019

Venue: Lindisfarne Room, Hadrian Building

Time: 9:00am (registration); Session starts at 10:00 – 1:30pm (Prior booking is essential for this workshop)

Highlights: The workshop will involve two very experienced access and disability consultants: David Burdus and Tessa Padden, who will be sharing their respective expertise and wealth of experience in relation physical and sensory access with delegates.

Booking instructions: To book  a place, please click here.  There are limited places as this is a one-off workshop.  We intend to keep a waiting list, in case of cancellations.  Should bookings reach full capacity, please contact me on Ext. 84490 to be included on the waiting list from which cancelled places will be offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

Important Request: Please  kindly help us to publicise this workshop across your networks by using the attached flyer/via email.  To help us further, please  print off some copies of the flyer and post on notice boards in your staff rooms or departmental notice boards, as this would encourage a  diverse group of delegates to attend.  It would also ensure that those colleagues who have no access to a work computer can see the workshop flyer.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Association workshop – Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Newcastle University – 26 March 2019


Dear Colleagues,

I’m delighted to let you know that Newcastle University will be hosting a workshop on ‘Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ organised by Dr Yana Wade, a former MSCA fellow, and supported by the MSCA Alumini association. I thought that you, as a current MSCA IF, might be interested in attending. Also, if you know of colleagues who might be interested in attending the event please feel free to forward the information on – the event is open to all researchers.

Date and time: 26 March 2019, 13:00-17:00

Venue: Armstrong Building, Newcastle University

Registration (free of charge but registration is essential): here

Agenda: attached

Contact: Dr Yana Wade,

Also just a heads up that we’re planning to host an informal MSCA (and other) fellows get-together to enable you to meet each other, this is likely to take place in April/May 2019. We look forward to meeting/seeing you then.

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks,


Dajana Dzanovic
EU and International Research Funding Team Manager

Research Strategy and Development

Newcastle University
King’s Gate (Level 5)
Newcastle upon Tyne



Tel: +44 (0)191 208 5373

Twitter: @euandintncl

Discrimination Law Training Session February 12th 12.00-14.00 Leech Building, Room 2.8

Dear All,

The survey of FMS EDI leads we ran last year highlighted that we could all do with more training to enable and empower us in our roles. As a result we will be running a series of training events for EDI leads and teams this year, with the first one being a training session delivered by Paul Johnstone, from the University’s legal team, on Discrimination Law. In this session, Paul will explore the fundamental aspects of Equality Law that we should all know about, and will also delve into other potentially confusing areas e.g. the difference between positive discrimination and positive action. The session is being held on Tuesday 12th February 12.00-14.00 in the Medical School, Leech Building, Room 2.8, with a networking lunch included. If you would like to attend you can register for the event here. Also if you’d like to ask Paul a burning question, you can add it into the form so he can come well prepared with your answer!

Kind regards,


BBSRC Impact Writing Competition for PhDs and ECRs

18 March 2019, 5pm

BBSRC Impact Writing Competition

The BBSRC Impact Writing Competition is an opportunity for PhD students and early-career researchers to produce an impact case study to showcase the tangible impact of research that depends on BBSRC investments in research, training and capability.

Your case study does not necessarily need to be based on your own project. It can be about any BBSRC-funded research/impact you are aware of, as long as you can write about it accurately and in an engaging manner.

Your case study should include:

The impact of the research, including details of the beneficiaries. The impact can occur in the UK or overseas, but there should be realised, tangible benefits. The impact should occur beyond academia (while academic impact is important, it is not the focus of this competition)

Some background on the research (which should have a clear link to BBSRC investment). What research was carried out, over what time period? Who was involved? What was the link to BBSRC investment?

Up to one illustrative photograph or image with your case study, including all relevant permissions for BBSRC to use the image in print and online alongside your case study. Please do not include technical diagrams, or graphs and charts. The inclusion of an image (and the quality or content of that image) will have no bearing on the judges’ decision.

The audience for the piece includes senior policy-makers in BBSRC, UKRI and in central government; i.e. educated non-specialists. As such, it should be written in an engaging, lively manner that will resonate with people who are not familiar with the underlying science.

The rules

Entries should be in narrative prose; no poetry, verse, infographics, etc.

One entry per person.

Case studies should be no more than 1,200 words long, including the title and any footnotes or endnotes

Case studies must be the work of the entrant, and must not have been published elsewhere

The judges’ decision is final.

Prizes and judges

All entries will be assessed by a panel of judges. They will use the criteria below to award three prizes: £,1000 for first place and £500 each for two runners-up. Winning entries will be published on the BBSRC website and in our corporate publication.

The winner (and a guest) will be invited to collect their prize at BBSRC’s Innovator of the Year awards event in London on 15 May 2019.

At the judges’ discretion, they may also choose to identify a number of commended entries. Although there will be no cash prize for such entries, they will also be published on the BBSRC website and in our corporate publication.

Judging criteria

Impact – does the case study clearly demonstrate the impact of BBSRC investments in the biosciences?

Writing – is the case study well-written and engaging? Does it explain any technical concepts in a clear and accessible manner?

Audience – will the case study engage the attention of the audience described above?

How to enter

Submit your impact case study as a Word document or PDF to Entries must be received by 18 March 2019, 17:00.

The case study should be clearly presented (for example, Arial, Helvetica or Verdana typefaces, a minimum font size of 11pt and 2cm margins). The filename should contain the title of your case study.

By entering this competition, you agree that BBSRC can feature your submission (in both its original form and in an abridged form, if required) in its internal and external reports and publications, and on its website and/or in any promotional material connected to this competition.

Preparedness of UG students – Journal Club, 8 February 2019

The next FMS Learning and Teaching Journal Club will be held 1-2pm on Friday 8 February 2019 in room 1.48, Ridley building 2

A sandwich lunch will be provided, and the below paper will be presented by Helen Mather, followed by discussion. If you would like to attend this event please register in advance here

Ali K, Slade A, Kay E, Zahra D & Tredwin C (2017) Preparedness of undergraduate dental students in the United Kingdom: a national study, British Dental Journal 2017; 222: 472-477

The FMS Journal Club meets monthly to discuss education related papers. Meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays from 1-2pm, in the first week of each month. Everyone is welcome but for catering purposes we require that you register for each session in advance as a light lunch is provided.  If you have any queries about registering please contact , for queries about the Journal Club itself please contact

Journal Club dates (all 1-2pm) and speakers for the rest of 2019 for your diary are:

  • Thursday 7 March 2019 – Kenny McKeegan
  • Friday 5 April 2019 – Ellen Tullo & Luisa Wakeling
  • Thursday 2 May 2019 – Alison Clapp
  • Friday 7 June 2019 – Vanessa Armstrong
  • Thursday 4 July 2019 – Alessio Iannetti

Details of the location and paper, along with a link for registration will be circulated in advance of each event. Further information, including past papers can be found on the Journal Club webpage

NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) Roadshow – 14 February 2019

Who is the event for?

The event will offer an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) funding stream.  Registration is FREE of charge and refreshments will be provided.

Researchers currently developing, or considering developing, a proposal for submission to PGfAR for funding are invited to take advantage of a one to one session with PGfAR programme and RDS staff to discuss their proposed study.

When and where?

Thursday, 14th February 2019 – Wedgwood Suite, Assembly Rooms, Newcastle upon Tyne

Event Programme (subject to change)

10:30-11:00          Registration and refreshments
11:00-11:10          Introduction (Prof Helen Hancock, Director RDS North East & North Cumbria)
11:10-11:40          Overview of NIHR Programme Grants (Speaker to be confirmed)
11:40-12:00          A successful PGfAR grant holder’s experience and top tips for success (Dr Chris Price)
12:00-12:15         Q & A
12:15-13:00         Lunch and networking
13:00-15:00         1:1 advice sessions

To book a place, please click here – registration closes 7th February 2019