Person-Based Approach (PBA) Workshop

Newcastle University will be hosting a workshop lead by a University of Southampton team who developed the Person-Based Approach (PBA) from insights gained from thousands of interviews with users while developing health and illness management interventions.

The workshop will be held on 9th May 10:00-13:00 at Devonshire Building. Attendance is free but limited by space and requires registration. Check the flyer for more details and link for registration.

Southampton PBA session Flyer

INE journal club – Thursday 22nd February

Our next INE journal club will be on Thursday 22nd February between 1pm-2pm. Journal club will be held in the large meeting room M1.025, located on the 1st floor corridor that links the Cookson and Leech Buildings. Lunch will be provided.

Rob Usher will be presenting the paper:

The atypical chemokine receptor 2 limits renal inflammation and fibrosis in murine progressive immune complex glomerulonephritis

Rob Usher – Bideak et al

INE seminar list

INE 2017-18

All talks are currently planned to take place at 4pm (3.30pm for Tea and Coffee with biscuits) in the Research Beehive, room 2.22 (except 17th May which is in the Baddiley Clark seminar room and 15th March in DLTE).

Thursday February 15th 2018

Dr Wafa Khamri, Imperial College London

Lymphocyte dysfunction in liver failure

Wednesday March 15th 2018 (joint ICM and INE seminar) 2pm Dental Lecture Theatre E

Dr Sandrine Henri, Centre d’Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML)

Disentangling the myeloid cell complexity in the skin to unravel cutaneous specific immune function

Thursday March 15th 2018

Dr Joanne Konkel, University of Manchester

Title to follow; “Immune cell networks at barrier sites, effects of tissue microenvironment on immune function”

Thursday 12th April 2018

Dr. Dean Naisbitt, University of Liverpool

Title to follow;. “chemistry of antigen formation and the mechanisms behind an aberrant T-cell-mediated immune response

Thursday May 17th 2018

Baddiley Clark seminar room

Prof. Ben Wilcox, Professor of Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham

Title to follow; “Novel tumour antigens and unconventional T cell function

June 2018 AGM MeetingDurham (14th June, details to be confirmed)

International Women’s Day FMS event – Wednesday 7th March 2018

Wednesday 7th March from 2.15pm to 4pm in the David Shaw Lecture Theatre (with tea and biscuits beforehand in the David Shaw Foyer).

On the 8th March there is another International Women’s Day event organised by the University which has Marcia Willis Stewart QC (Hons) speaking as part of the overall celebratory events.  Please see more details and registration form for this event on:-

The events are of particular significance this year as they mark the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which allowed some women over the age of 30 to vote for the first time.  So definitely something to celebrate!!

IWD 7th March 2018

Event on the Commercialisation of Medical Products

15 February 2018 at 6pm

Partner’s Room, Newcastle University Business School.

The Chartered Institute of Marketing is running an event with Newcastle University Business School on the “The commercialisation of medical products”

The event is free to CIM members and students, and all others pay £15. Book here

More information below.
