W/E 03.11.17

Applications to Bridging Funding Scheme

Please note that the most up to date Bridging application form can be found here:



FMS launches fund to support ISCF applications

The Faculty of Medical Sciences has set aside £170,000 to help investigators to prepare for the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.

Please join us for lunch at our launch event on Tuesday 31 October at 12pm (for a 12.30pm start) in Room 2.4 of the Leech Building, where we will explain how the funds can be used to advance scientific and technical development of an idea to establish the scientific and/or commercial potential of a concept alongside an identified commercial partner, with a view to applying to the  Innovate UK and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.

Please see:  http://www.newcastleptd.com/iscf-pump-priming/   for full details of the scheme, and to register for the launch event.


Faculty PhD Studentships 2018: application process

I am pleased to announce that this faculty has secured sufficient funding to support up to seven PhD studentships to start in September, 2018. Each of these studentships is fully-funded for 3-years and will provide the following support:

  • Fees at the Home/EU student rate
  • Non-clinical stipend at the RCUK rate
  • £5,000 per year bench fees.

The following studentships are available:

  • 1 x JW Luccock and E Jeffcock studentship in any research area within FMS
  • 5 x Barbour Foundation studentships in dementia, adult cancer, age-related chronic disease, or infection and immunology
  • 1 x Alan Bremner Smith Legacy studentship in bone marrow transplantation (leukaemia research and clinical treatment).

In order to apply for one of these studentships, the Graduate School has devised a simple web-form. This can be accessed here:


The closing date for applications is Friday 5th January, 2018.

In addition to project alignment with the specific funders’ remit, key criteria for success will include:

  • The potential to generate outputs for REF 2021
  • Excellence of the supervisory team
  • Excellence of the training opportunity for students
  • Supervisory engagement with the Graduate School’s Skills Development Programme and e-portfolio.

We encourage applications from early career academics, including NURFs.

If you already have a student in mind for one of these studentships, please provide details in your application.

Please contact me if you require any further information.

Professor John Kirby DPhil

Dean of Postgraduate Studies